Monday 27 February 2012

The Road To Molntjärn

This is where a small dirt road takes off from the main dirt road and leads to Molntjärn.

I wouldn't advise anyone to enter this small dirt road right now

A closer look at the small dirt road that leads to Molntjärn and other lakes

This road is like a mud trap in the spring. It's not advisable to enter and make a try to drive to Molntjärn this way early in the spring. Many have gotten their cars trapped in the mud attempting to get to Molntjärn too early.

Have fun fly tying or fly fishing (if you are lucky enough to be able to do that now),


  1. Looks treacherous, indeed! Although I love roads like this...there are always good things at the end of them. Another few months yet...spring will come. :)

  2. Thanks for your encouragement Erin! I really need it now. Having a cold and a lot of things that has to be done. First time I was looking for the little lake I got lost several times. Finally found the dirt road (a big exaggeration calling it a road) and thought I was lost again. But coming up a hill i could see water through the trees. That was like 15 years ago and it's definitely my favorite still water.

    Have fun finishing up your rod (can't wait to see how it will look),

  3. Is a difficult road. Here, we have problems with rain, but it´s not problem than the snow.


  4. Hi José!
    Thanks for your comment. I'll soon put up some pictures from a summer trip this year.
    My best,

    P.S. I speak Spanish too if you prefer that. D.S.
